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Track Teens With Your New Gps Data Logger

Ever wonder just what shenanigans your daughter is up to? Trying to save her from, well, herself? Need to track the whereabouts of your immature hoodlum and can't afford to hire a local hidden investigator. Or, do you just want to make sure that your wife or daughter are indeed, driving safe. Don't fear faithful father. For their is an answer to your prayers. And, surprisingly, or maybe not so much so, it comes from technology.

WBT-201: Wintec WBT-201 Bluetooth Data Logger GPS Receiver (Auto on/off, WAAS, Bluetooth, USB, Push to Log, Data Logger with Google Earth Integration)

Product Brand : Wintec

Model : WBT-201
Our Price : WBT-201: Wintec WBT-201 Bluetooth Data Logger GPS Receiver (Auto on/off, WAAS, Bluetooth, USB, Push to Log, Data Logger with Google Earth Integration) WBT-201: Wintec WBT-201 Bluetooth Data Logger GPS Receiver (Auto on/off, WAAS, Bluetooth, USB, Push to Log, Data Logger with Google Earth Integration)
Do not buy until you see more details.

WBT-201: Wintec WBT-201 Bluetooth Data Logger GPS Receiver (Auto on/off, WAAS, Bluetooth, USB, Push to Log, Data Logger with Google Earth Integration)

WBT-201: Wintec WBT-201 Bluetooth Data Logger GPS Receiver (Auto on/off, WAAS, Bluetooth, USB, Push to Log, Data Logger with Google Earth Integration)

WBT-201: Wintec WBT-201 Bluetooth Data Logger GPS Receiver (Auto on/off, WAAS, Bluetooth, USB, Push to Log, Data Logger with Google Earth Integration) Overviews
WBT-201 is the 2nd generation data logger from Wintec. It is now updated with Atmel-uBlox ATR 0625 chipset to provide excellent sensitivity at -158dBm and 40mA low operating current. In addition, WAAS is now enabled out of box for better accuracy. The new auto on/off mode turns the unit to stand-by mode when there is no Bluetooth activity during navigtion mode. If the unit is in logging mode, then only Bluetooth will turn off.WBT-201 is a multi-function Bluetooth GPS data logger in an ultra compact form factor. The stand-alone track recording function is independent from any host and can be operated with Bluetooth off. The recorded track can be configured and even uploaded to Google Earth automatically with the bundled GPS utility.

WBT-201: Wintec WBT-201 Bluetooth Data Logger GPS Receiver (Auto on/off, WAAS, Bluetooth, USB, Push to Log, Data Logger with Google Earth Integration) Features
  • New! Push-to-log for user-addable log pint
  • Maximum data up to 131,072 waypoints
  • Google Earth integration
  • Can be used as USB or Bluetooth GPS Receiver
  • Data includes latitude, longitude, time in year-month-date-min-sec

WBT-201: Wintec WBT-201 Bluetooth Data Logger GPS Receiver (Auto on/off, WAAS, Bluetooth, USB, Push to Log, Data Logger with Google Earth Integration)

Available Stores

Semsons & Co., Inc.
WBT-201: Wintec WBT-201 Bluetooth Data Logger GPS Receiver (Auto on/off, WAAS, Bluetooth, USB, Push to Log, Data Logger with Google Earth Integration)
$89.95 (New)
Usually ships in 24 hours
WBT-201: Wintec WBT-201 Bluetooth Data Logger GPS Receiver (Auto on/off, WAAS, Bluetooth, USB, Push to Log, Data Logger with Google Earth Integration)
Semsons & Co., Inc.
WBT-201: Wintec WBT-201 Bluetooth Data Logger GPS Receiver (Auto on/off, WAAS, Bluetooth, USB, Push to Log, Data Logger with Google Earth Integration)
$89.95 (New)
Usually ships in 1-2 business days
WBT-201: Wintec WBT-201 Bluetooth Data Logger GPS Receiver (Auto on/off, WAAS, Bluetooth, USB, Push to Log, Data Logger with Google Earth Integration)
WBT-201: Wintec WBT-201 Bluetooth Data Logger GPS Receiver (Auto on/off, WAAS, Bluetooth, USB, Push to Log, Data Logger with Google Earth Integration)



A Gps Data Logger fits securely, and secretly, hidden inside the automobile itself. Now data logger's are triggered in many ways. Some are triggered by simply driving over a specified threshold speed point. Other are simply turned on, and will keep logging until their battery is depleted. In a few ways Gps data loggers are often compared to person sitting down with a map and a pen and just constantly logging what position they are in every 10 seconds. Though these products have been out for quite a while, it seems that a whole lot of habitancy haven't heard of them. Be sure that you try to avoid cloud and tree and structure signal blockage at every occasion that you get, when you're using your Gps device. This is often not positively an issue when you are camping in the plains or out in the open. But, it can be quite a hassle if you are in a big city like New York and you need to immediately get a signal. Because the structure are so big there, they positively do block quite a few attempts to connect with a satellite. Additionally, the signal positively bounces off the construction walls before it enters the device, and this sometimes creates a false sense of where you positively are. You could be seeing on your map at one moment and then perceive that you are a whopping ten miles off from where you understanding you were. Well I'm sure you can tell what's arrival next. I can see down that side of the street as well. Is it the right time to buy a Gps data logger now? Maybe and maybe not. Well, though some might tell you that this is a bit of a sneaky way to go, let me ask you. How sneaky would it be if it meant recovery your daughter's life? I bet the majority of people, would see the distinct advantage of this gismo here.

Gps Data Logger

Track Teens With Your New Gps Data Logger Track Teens With Your New Gps Data Logger No URL

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