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Gps Cat Tracking Collars Can Be Hard To Find

You should not failure the measure to buy a Gps Data Logger
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Cat Gps tracking collars seem like a great idea for keeping tabs on your wandering feline. Outfit a tracking collar with a global positioning gadget that knows its current location at all times. The Gps gadget can then periodically send its longitude and latitude position to some base station by simply transmitting it over the cellular phone network. Once received, the location data is uploaded to a website which allows you to monitor your cat's location. Not only is this Gps tracking ideas a good idea, it's already being used in a collection of ways -- from car pilotage systems to locating lost hikers.

Microcontroller Based GPS Data Logging Techniques

List Price : $95.00 Microcontroller Based GPS Data Logging Techniques Microcontroller Based GPS Data Logging Techniques

Microcontroller Based GPS Data Logging Techniques

Microcontroller Based GPS Data Logging Techniques
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Microcontroller Based GPS Data Logging Techniques

Microcontroller Based GPS Data Logging TechniquesMicrocontroller Based GPS Data Logging TechniquesMicrocontroller Based GPS Data Logging Techniques
Microcontroller Based GPS Data Logging Techniques Overviews
The GPS system is a precise navigation and positioning system. Developed in 1973 by the Department of Defence (USA), the GPS was originally designed as a military tool to assist soldiers, military vehicles, planes, and ships to accurately determine their locations on Earth. Today, GPS is used widely in military, commercial, industrial, and leisure applications. One of the widest commercial uses of GPS is on street-level route guidance that helps a driver to navigate to an address or to a post-code. This book describes the basic principles of the GPS system and then the design of a microcontroller based GPS data logger device is given in detail, including the full source code. With the help of the device, the coordinates of a person, animal, or a vehicle can be stored on an SD card and then the Google Earth mapping program can be used to display the user track on a street-level map.

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Microcontroller Based GPS Data Logging Techniques

Microcontroller Based GPS Data Logging Techniques

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However, the typical Gps cat tracking ideas is difficult to locate -- at least in the United States. The main qoute is that Gps technology has not been miniaturized to the point of making Gps cat collars small sufficient and light sufficient for most household cats. Domestic cats are simply unable to bear the weight of the current Gps electronics and power supply.

Gps Data Logger

The only websites that advertise Gps cat tracking collars seem to be placed in Europe, and those single European devices are fairly large -- weighing over 90g. Most midpoint sized cats would only be able to carry an 80g tracking collar comfortably.

Gps Cat Tracking Collars Can Be Hard To Find

The other downside to Gps tracking collars, and this goes for both cat tracking collars and dog tracking collars, is that Gps collars typically have monthly fees connected with them. This is because the Gps collars will usually utilize the cellular phone networks for transmitting location data and the cellular networks all have monthly charges. So if you wish to avoid monthly fees you will have to use someone else type of technology for the cat tracking collar.

One of the best options that I have found is to use a short range radio tracking collar. This kind of tracking collar transmits a periodic beacon signal that is detected by a directional receiver. With the receiver you are able to tell in which direction your cat is placed by how strong a signal you are detecting. In addition, as you get closer to the radio collar the beacon signal also gets stronger so you can conclude both the relative direction and length to your cat.

These short range radio cat tracking collars have two confident advantages over the cat Gps collars. First, because they use free radio frequencies you avoid the monthly cellular network fees used by the Gps systems. Second, the electronics used with these short range devices can be made small and light sufficient for any domestic cat to wear. The tracking ideas on the collar only has to beacon a weak signal so the amount of electronics and power requirements are low. These types or cat tracking collars just need a small coin battery for power.

There is one disadvantage to using a radio tracking collar. Unlike the cat Gps locators you would not be able to pinpoint the longitude and latitude of your cat since the radio collar does not forward any exact location coordinates -- just length and directional data that you can detect via the relative signal vigor with the directional receiver. However, since cats usually do not perambulate miles away in a short time span -- my cats are usually within a block of my house -- having exact location data to track on a website does not seem as significant in my view.

The other perceived disadvantage of a short range radio cat locator collar is that it will not work over long distances as compared to the Gps collar. That is only partially true. While a Gps collar that is using the cellular network may be able to forward location data over a longer distance, cellular network systems are also susceptible to interference and signal loss. If your cat should perambulate into a hole or a cave or some area that is not being serviced by a cellular tower, then the Gps collar would not work.

A short range radio collar would be able to work in much more remote areas and in places where the cellular phone networks cannot reach since the radio collar only needs to forward as far as the receiver while the Gps cat collar needs to forward to the nearest cellular tower.

So think a radio cat collar as a cat tracking gadget if you cannot find a cat Gps collar that fits your needs and budget.

Gps Cat Tracking Collars Can Be Hard To Find No URL

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